The trend for more healthy, more environmentally friendly lifestyle is as high nowadays, as it’s ever been in the human history. In fact, that kind of a green revolution is so huge in its impact on society, that by now even big companies and their offices cleaning process has…
Fight off the insects at your house
If you’ve ever lived in a country house (or any given New York City budget apartment), you may know a lot about the bedbugs and other home-bound insects… In fact, most of us know too much about them, to a degree when we are all eager to eliminate those beasts from our living and working places.
Office cleaning secrets
Cleaning an entire office has never been an easy task. Even if you personally tidy up just your personal desk (or a cabinet) it’s incredibly easy to forget to spruce up some open spots and places…
When we’re talking about cleaning up an entire open-space area or a vast entangled labyrinth of a cabinet system, the number of nuances rises up in number significantly.
Cleaning the attic and the basement
Making sure that your house is completely clean, neat and tidy after a spring or a fall grand cleaning is never truly finished with two tiny checkpoints unchecked. We’re talking about cleaning up the attic and the basement. The saddest part is, that usually those two areas of any suburban or a country house place are the most dusted and piled up ones…
Serving Cookies at Alpine Nationals
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam…
Fighting an allergy with a spring cleaning
All of us wish that the medicine’s advance would make allergy a thing of the past… But this spring season it’s just not happening yet…Keeping that in mind, what we actually can do to improve our health and prevent the allergy from winning over is throwing a big spring cleaning party! With all of the dust and dirt taken care of, the chances are much smaller that.